Welcome to marekstess.com


Lateral thinking • Releasing potential • Going further

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Thoughts, ideas and stories


Find some articles to different things I try to group together - starting from leadership, cultural change to artificial intelligence, big data and the automative IT here. I hope you will find some useful stuff.

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Team work

Research & Publications

Finding out new approaches for different problems is the way we can continuously learn. I love the spirit of research and always try to have a look over the plate.

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Sharing knowledge


Explaining to others what and how you have done something, is always a great chance to start a discussion and get new viewpoints. Check out about my different talks and lets start to discuss.

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Understand each other

About me

Appreciation begins by knowing your partner. Therefore you have the possibility to learn something about me, my values and my motivation here.

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Contact me

If you want to exchange thoughts and ideas, or just want to extend some information, be open and leave me a message. I am always happy to connect with others and to exchange about new businesses or challenging projects.

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