General References
Respect the work of others

Offering your work results and providing it to others is great. To respect this step, referencing of the reusing work is a concrete step to honor the work. I used some open available stuff and would like to give you here an overview.
To style my website with an appealing look, I searched for different pictures on, a very nice and open platform to get artistically photos. Here is the list of artists and the photo I used.
- Florian Klauer. Typewriter for the blog section on the frontpage.
- Andrew Neel. Photo for the Research & Publication section used on the frontpage and as header photo on the research and publication area.
- Ilyass Seddoug. Microphone photo on the frontpage and the talks page.
- Nikita Kachanovsky. Frontpage photo for about me section.
- Andersen Jensen. Postbox photo for contact me on the frontpage and contact me page.
- Glenn Carstens-Peters. Publication section photo on the research & publication page.
- Rawpixel. Patents and guided work section photos on the research & publication page.
- Taras Shypka. Speaking engagement photo on talk page for "Test Automation For Complex Services".
- Giammarco Boscaro. Header photo on the general references page.
- John Baker. Header photo of the first blog post.
- Rohan Makhecha. Header photo of the third blog post.
- Faces in the personas templates are used from 100,000 AI-Generated Faces
- Clint Adair. Header photo of the fourth blog post.
- Michael Jasmund. Header photo of the fifth blog post.
- Carl Heyerdahl. Header photo of the sixth blog post.
- Hello I'm Nik. Header photo of the seventh blog post.
All other photos on my pages are self-made or provided from my named references.
For my website I use some free plugins to optimize the performance and to provide nice features to the users on my side. It is great, to build up a website with different free to use plugins. I won´t give a description what each plugin can do, but like to list all modules I use:
- Elementor
- MailChimp
- MailChimp for WP
- Contact Form 7 MailChimp Extension
- popupmaker
- Shariff
- Contact Form 7
- Elmastudio
- Cookie Notice
- Yoast SEO
- WP Maintenance-Mode
- Antispam Bee
- Jetpack
- Loco Translate
- UpdraftPlus
- WP Super Cache
For my Imprint & Privacy Police page I used - Privacy policy template generator and – imprint generator to generate the content.