General References

General References

Respect the work of others

Offering your work results and providing it to others is great. To respect this step, referencing of the reusing work is a concrete step to honor the work. I used some open available stuff and would like to give you here an overview.


To style my website with an appealing look, I searched for different pictures on, a very nice and open platform to get artistically photos. Here is the list of artists and the photo I used.

  • Florian Klauer. Typewriter for the blog section on the frontpage.
  • Andrew Neel. Photo for the Research & Publication section used on the frontpage and as header photo on the research and publication area.
  • Ilyass Seddoug. Microphone photo on the frontpage and the talks page.
  • Nikita Kachanovsky. Frontpage photo for about me section.
  • Andersen Jensen. Postbox photo for contact me on the frontpage and contact me page.
  • Glenn Carstens-Peters. Publication section photo on the research & publication page.
  • Rawpixel. Patents and guided work section photos on the research & publication page.
  • Taras Shypka. Speaking engagement photo on talk page for "Test Automation For Complex Services".
  • Giammarco Boscaro. Header photo on the general references page.
  • John Baker. Header photo of the first blog post.
  • Rohan Makhecha. Header photo of the third blog post.
  • Faces in the personas templates are used from 100,000 AI-Generated Faces
  • Clint Adair. Header photo of the fourth blog post.
  • Michael Jasmund. Header photo of the fifth blog post.
  • Carl Heyerdahl. Header photo of the sixth blog post.
  • Hello I'm Nik. Header photo of the seventh blog post.

All other photos on my pages are self-made or provided from my named references.


For my website I use some free plugins to optimize the performance and to provide nice features to the users on my side. It is great, to build up a website with different free to use plugins. I won´t give a description what each plugin can do, but like to list all modules I use:


For my Imprint & Privacy Police page I used - Privacy policy template generator and – imprint generator to generate the content.

tripadvisor flickr americanexpress bandcamp basecamp behance bigcartel bitbucket blogger codepen compropago digg dribbble dropbox ello etsy eventbrite evernote facebook feedly github gitlab goodreads googleplus instagram kickstarter lastfm line linkedin mailchimp mastercard medium meetup messenger mixcloud paypal periscope pinterest quora reddit rss runkeeper shopify signal sinaweibo skype slack snapchat soundcloud sourceforge spotify stackoverflow stripe stumbleupon trello tumblr twitch twitter uber vimeo vine visa vsco wechat whatsapp wheniwork wordpress xero xing yelp youtube zerply zillow px aboutme airbnb amazon pencil envelope bubble magnifier cross menu arrow-up arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right envelope-o caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right